Monday, July 18, 2016

Programming opinions...

Here a copy of the list of 20 programming opinions from Programmer community Blog.

I pasted the ones I like the most but certainly the all deserve to be read.


Programmers who don’t code in their spare time for fun will never become as good as those that do.

  I think even the smartest and most talented people will never become truly good programmers unless they treat it as more than a job. Meaning that they do little projects on the side, or just mess with lots of different languages and ideas in their spare time.
by rustyshelf


“Googling it” is okay!

  Yes, I know it offends some people out there that their years of intense memorization and/or glorious stacks of programming books are starting to fall by the wayside to a resource that anyone can access within seconds, but you shouldn’t hold that against people that use it. Too often I hear googling answers to problems the result of criticism, and it really is without sense. First of all, it must be conceded that everyone needs materials to reference. You don’t know everything and you will need to look things up. Conceding that, does it really matter where you got the information? Does it matter if you looked it up in a book, looked it up on Google, or heard it from a talking frog that you hallucinated? No. A right answer is a right answer. What is important is that you understand the material, use it as the means to an end of a successful programming solution, and the client/your employer is happy with the results.
by PhoenixRedeemer


Not all programmers are created equal.

  Quite often managers think that DeveloperA == DeveloperB simply because they have same level of experience and so on. In actual fact, the performance of one developer can be 10x or even 100x that of another. It’s politically risky to talk about it, but sometimes I feel like pointing out that, even though several team members may appear to be of equal skill, it’s not always the case. I have even seen cases where lead developers were ‘beyond hope’ and junior devs did all the actual work – I made sure they got the credit, though.
by Dmitri Nesteruk


Software development is just a job.

 I enjoy software development a lot. I’ve written a blog for the last few years on the subject. I’ve spent enough time on here to have >5000 reputation points. And I work in a start-up doing typically 60 hour weeks for much less money than I could get as a contractor because the team is fantastic and the work is interesting. But in the grand scheme of things, it is just a job. It ranks in importance below many things such as family, my girlfriend, friends, happiness etc., and below other things I’d rather be doing if I had an unlimited supply of cash such as riding motorbikes, sailing yachts, or snowboarding. I think sometimes a lot of developers forget that developing is just something that allows us to have the more important things in life (and to have them by doing something we enjoy) rather than being the end goal in itself.
by Greg Beech

Programming opinions...

Here a copy of the list of 20 programming opinions from Programmer community Blog.

I pasted the ones I like the most but certainly the all deserve to be read.


Programmers who don’t code in their spare time for fun will never become as good as those that do.

  I think even the smartest and most talented people will never become truly good programmers unless they treat it as more than a job. Meaning that they do little projects on the side, or just mess with lots of different languages and ideas in their spare time.
by rustyshelf


“Googling it” is okay!

  Yes, I know it offends some people out there that their years of intense memorization and/or glorious stacks of programming books are starting to fall by the wayside to a resource that anyone can access within seconds, but you shouldn’t hold that against people that use it. Too often I hear googling answers to problems the result of criticism, and it really is without sense. First of all, it must be conceded that everyone needs materials to reference. You don’t know everything and you will need to look things up. Conceding that, does it really matter where you got the information? Does it matter if you looked it up in a book, looked it up on Google, or heard it from a talking frog that you hallucinated? No. A right answer is a right answer. What is important is that you understand the material, use it as the means to an end of a successful programming solution, and the client/your employer is happy with the results.
by PhoenixRedeemer


Not all programmers are created equal.

  Quite often managers think that DeveloperA == DeveloperB simply because they have same level of experience and so on. In actual fact, the performance of one developer can be 10x or even 100x that of another. It’s politically risky to talk about it, but sometimes I feel like pointing out that, even though several team members may appear to be of equal skill, it’s not always the case. I have even seen cases where lead developers were ‘beyond hope’ and junior devs did all the actual work – I made sure they got the credit, though.
by Dmitri Nesteruk


Software development is just a job.

 I enjoy software development a lot. I’ve written a blog for the last few years on the subject. I’ve spent enough time on here to have >5000 reputation points. And I work in a start-up doing typically 60 hour weeks for much less money than I could get as a contractor because the team is fantastic and the work is interesting. But in the grand scheme of things, it is just a job. It ranks in importance below many things such as family, my girlfriend, friends, happiness etc., and below other things I’d rather be doing if I had an unlimited supply of cash such as riding motorbikes, sailing yachts, or snowboarding. I think sometimes a lot of developers forget that developing is just something that allows us to have the more important things in life (and to have them by doing something we enjoy) rather than being the end goal in itself.
by Greg Beech

Monday, April 18, 2016

Developers' Seven Deadly Sins

In (mostly) no particular order, they are:

Bugs and Potential Bugs
Coding Standards Breach
Lack of Unit Tests
Bad Distribution of Complexity
Spaghetti Design
Not Enough or Too Many Comments

taked from SonarQube.

Monday, February 8, 2016

Quick Oracle tips v2 (2016)

Here a quick list of queries that may help you to gain sometime while checking for objects

1.  Getting the objects of the database:

Select  *  from DBA_OBJECTS where object_type like 'TABLE' AND owner like '%CAD'

2.  Setting the format for date types in oracle sql developer

Go to Tools> Preferences > Database > NLS and set the Date Format as MM/DD/YYYY HH24:MI:SS

Thursday, February 4, 2016

Wednesday, January 13, 2016

entrevue C#

L'entrevue de C# interroge et des réponses :

1. C# soutient-il l'héritage multiple ? 

2. À qui est-elle une variable protégée de classe-niveau disponible ? 
Il est disponible à n'importe quelle sous-classe (une classe héritant de cette classe).

3. Est-ce que variables privées de classe-niveau sont héritées ? 

Oui, mais eux ne soyez pas accessible. Bien qu'ils ne soient pas évidents ou accessibles par l'intermédiaire de l'interface de classe, ils sont hérités. 

4. Décrivez le modificateur "interne protégé " d'accessibilité. 
Il est disponible aux classes qui sont dans la même assemblée et sont dérivées de la classe basse spécifique. 

5. Quelle est la classe du dessus .NET dont tout est dérivé ? 

6. Que fait le moyen immuable de limite ?
La valeur de données ne peut être changée. Note : La valeur variable peut être changée, mais la valeur de données immuable originale a été jetée et une nouvelle valeur de données a été créée dans la mémoire. 

7. Quelle est la différence entre les classes de System.String et de System.Text.StringBuilder ?
System.String est immuable. System.StringBuilder a été conçu en vue de avoir une corde mutable où une série d'opérations peuvent être effectuées.