Friday, September 4, 2009

traduciendo de vb for aplications a t-sql (ver. 1)

el query de la macro sin el valor de cadena que nos enviand en el texto.

qry = " SELECT GLProcessEntry.ProcessEntryId, GLAccount.MethodId, GLAccount.AccountId, GLAccount.OffSetAccountId,GLProcessEntryDetail.CcyAmount, "
qry = qry & " GLProcessEntryDetail.CADAmount, PeriodCcyRate.Quote, Round([CCyAmount]*[Quote]-[CADAmount],2) AS EntryAmount "
qry = qry & " FROM CfgCieMethodQuoteStatus,GLAccount,GLProcessEntry,GLProcessEntryDetail,PeriodCcyRate "
qry = qry & " WHERE GLProcessEntry.ProcessEntryId = GLProcessEntryDetail.ProcessEntryId "
qry = qry & " AND GLAccount.CieId = GLProcessEntry.CieId "
qry = qry & " AND GLAccount.AccountId = GLProcessEntryDetail.AccountId "
qry = qry & " AND GLAccount.CCy = PeriodCcyRate.Ccy "
qry = qry & " AND GLProcessEntry.PeriodId = PeriodCcyRate.PeriodId "
qry = qry & " AND CfgCieMethodQuoteStatus.QuoteStatusId = PeriodCcyRate.QuoteStatusId "
qry = qry & " AND CfgCieMethodQuoteStatus.MethodId = GLAccount.MethodId "
qry = qry & " AND CfgCieMethodQuoteStatus.CieId = GLAccount.CieId "
qry = qry & " AND GLProcessEntry.ProcessEntryId=" & ProcessEntryId
qry = qry & " AND GLAccount.MethodId=" & MethodId
If MethodId = 1 Then
qry = qry & " AND GLPRocessEntryDetail.AmountTypeId = 0 "
qry = qry & " AND ((Round([CCyAmount]*[Quote]-[CADAmount],2))<>0)"

qry = qry & " AND GLPRocessEntryDetail.AmountTypeId = 1 "
qry = qry & " AND ((Round([CCyAmount]*[Quote]-[CADAmount],2))<>0)"
End If

la traduccion al t- sql

SELECT GLProcessEntry.ProcessEntryId, GLAccount.MethodId, GLAccount.AccountId, GLAccount.OffSetAccountId,GLProcessEntryDetail.CcyAmount,
GLProcessEntryDetail.CADAmount, PeriodCcyRate.Quote, Round([CCyAmount]*[Quote]-[CADAmount],2) AS EntryAmount
FROM CfgCieMethodQuoteStatus
INNER JOIN PeriodCcyRate on CfgCieMethodQuoteStatus.QuoteStatusId = PeriodCcyRate.QuoteStatusId
INNER JOIN GLAccount ON CfgCieMethodQuoteStatus.MethodId =GLAccount.MethodId
INNER JOIN GLProcessEntryDetail ON GLAccount.AccountId=GLProcessEntryDetail.AccountId
INNER JOIN RefCompany ON RefCompany.CieId = CfgCieMethodQuoteStatus.CieId
INNER JOIN RefDivision ON GLAccount.DivisionId = RefDivision.DivisionId
INNER JOIN GLProcessEntry ON GLProcessEntry.PeriodId = PeriodCcyRate.PeriodId
AND GLProcessEntry.ProcessEntryId = GLProcessEntryDetail.ProcessEntryId
WHERE GLPRocessEntryDetail.AmountTypeId = 0
and GLProcessEntry.ProcessEntryId = 169
AND GLAccount.MethodId = 1
and GLProcessEntryDetail.CADAmount = 0

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