Friday, July 17, 2015

Using Shelvesets to Set Aside Pending Changes (Team Explorer Everywhere)

By creating a shelveset, you can set aside a batch of pending changes from a workspace temporarily. You can later restore those changes into your workspace or into the workspace of another user, or you can delete the changes.

Scenarios in Which to Consider Shelving.

You shelve your pending changes when you are not ready to or cannot check in a set of pending changes, as in the following scenarios:
  • Interruption - You can shelve your pending changes to set them aside if you are not ready to check them in but you must work on a different task.
  • Integration - You can shelve your pending changes and ask your team member to unshelve them if you are not ready to check in but you must share changes with another team member.
  • Review – You can shelve changes that must undergo a code review before you check them in. After you create the shelveset, you inform the code reviewer, who can then unshelve and review your changes.
  • Backup – You can shelve changes that you want to back up before you are ready to check them in. By creating a shelveset, you copy the changes to the version-control server.
  • Handoff – You can shelve changes that are in progress before you hand them off to another member of the team for completion.
taked from : Microsoft (MSDN)

Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Joel Test for Programmers

Joel test for programmers.  This is very interesting test to measure good practices and performance of a coder. Is a reference and a good one but many things need common sense also.

The Simple Programmer Test
Can you use source control effectively?
Can you solve algorithm-type problems?
Can you program in more than one language or technology?
Do you do something to increase your education or skills every day?
Do you name things appropriately?
Can you communicate your ideas effectively?
Do you understand basic design patterns?
Do you know how to debug effectively?
Do you test your own code?
Do you share your knowledge?
Do you use the best tools for your job?
Can you build an actual application?

Enjoy the full article: Joel programmers

Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Code review on TFS (Visual Studio)

Code review on TFS (Visual Studio).

Ici un post pour essayer d'avoir plus de references de TFS et les derniers functionlites  dans VS 2012.

Code review on visual studio   

Friday, July 10, 2015


Here a quick example of how NVL and CASE can be switched to improve performance and readability.

( CASE    WHEN  x097.c097_edit_name  IS NULL THEN  t097.c097_edit_name  ELSE  x097.equip_stn_no END
   ) as c097_edit_name,
  t097.c097_edit_name as tempHistoric,  x097.equip_stn_no
 FROM t097_temp_edit_his  t097,  X097_TEMP_EDIT_TO_DNI_TRANSACT x097, CIRCUIT
 where t097.c097_edit_name =x097.c097_edit_name (+)
 AND    6100006 = circuit.circt_id (+)
and rownum < 10;


SELECT   NVL(x097.equip_stn_no , t097.c097_edit_name ) as c097_edit_name,
x097.equip_stn_no END    ) as c097_edit_name,
  t097.c097_edit_name as tempHistoric,  x097.equip_stn_no
 FROM t097_temp_edit_his  t097,  X097_TEMP_EDIT_TO_DNI_TRANSACT x097, CIRCUIT
 where t097.c097_edit_name =x097.c097_edit_name (+)
 AND    6100006 = circuit.circt_id (+)
and rownum < 10;