Monday, November 11, 2019

I found today a list of things that might hit programming productivity. I liked the list and even though that is a not a fully analyzed and formal study on how these things happen, I agree with them to a certain extent and seems to be a pretty good observation of the environment that we as developers, experience.


The 15 worst ways to kill programming productivity

Meetings, know-nothing managers, productivity metrics -- here's what's threatening to slay the next generation of great software

, Contributing Editor, InfoWorld

 1. Meetings.
 3. Trying to measure productivity.
 4. Prima donna developers.
 5. fix it later aka "technical debt".
 6. Nonprogrammer managers.
 7. Programmer managers.
 8. Macho programmers.
 9. Selfish  or cowboy coders.
10. Poor documentation.
11. Slavish devotion to documentation.
12. Distraction-rich environment. 
13. Cultural fit. 
14. Clinging to legacy tech.
15. Lust for the latest and greatest. 


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