Monday, July 27, 2020

on iA as a developer and the some cool tools.

I started this year as a software developper for Morneau Shepell. Good company with some flaws like everywhere but with a good work environnement.

Now after 5 months as a software dev for Industrielle Alliance I realize that not everything that shines is gold. Good things in this new position but also many small details that I do not necessarily like.

I had to understand how this teams uses Kanban and agile with a team who is still working on his mission** and the scope of their tasks.


Anyways here some cool features:

- Azure DevOps: This is of course the widely used tool for agile teams with Microsoft.

- Microsoft Whiteboard. I like this tool, very creative.

- Classic Teams, Microsoft Teams. I say classic with reserve cause Teams is a recent tool added to the office Microsoft toolbox.

- Workday. Great RH tool, user friendly.

There are a few more tools  but these were the ones I got more use of in my daily tasks.

And here some Agile notes that got me thinking on a certain point.

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